Tall, Dark, and Medieval Read online

Page 10

  Fishing a key from her basket, Effie began to unlock the cell. “I’m going to get ye oot of here.”

  Conall stood stiff with concern. Had she gone daft? He was a prisoner, surely she knew if she released him that they both had to escape, together, which would not be an easy task. He had no plan, no weapons, and he was too weak to shift.

  “What are ye doing? If ye’re going to release me then we go together. I won’t allow ye to stay and take the punishment from my escape.”

  Effie paused before opening the door. “Conall, ye must shift and leave this Godforsaken place. Me brother won’t stop until I’ve suffered enough and ye’re dead!”

  “Lass, I can no’ shift, I’m too weak.”

  “Och, then we’ll have to heal ye.” Effie pushed forward.

  Conall didn’t think he could ever love another woman more than he loved Effie right now. The moment her freckled face and red, curly hair came into view, his body had instantly reacted. He ached for her touch; his dragon purred in contentment just by the sound of her voice.

  If he wasn’t covered in dungeon filth, blood, and dirt, as soon as she opened the damn door, he would take her right now. Pin her up against the sandstone wall, slide her dress up over the curve of her hips, and glide into her womanhood relentlessly until he felt the bittersweet sting of her nails across his back. Then he would do it all over again.

  The lock clicked and Effie swung the door open but quickly halted when a shadow appeared from the corner of the cell. A tall brawny man with blond hair stepped out into the light with his arms folded at his chest. The glow from the torches darkened his scowl, making him look even more menacing and dangerous.

  Conall turned to face his cellmate. Without any words being said, he flashed his storm-gray reptilian eyes at Caden, daring him to protest his departure.

  In response, Caden nodded his head and retreated into the shadows.

  “Who is that?” Effie asked with wide eyes.

  “That’s Caden.” Conall nodded toward the shadow. “Dinnae fash yerself over him. He’ll behave.”

  Until Conall stepped out of the prison bars he hadn’t realized how much he missed his freedom. While Effie relocked the gate, he stood behind her and inhaled deeply into her hair breathing in her honey scent. By the saints, he’d missed her.

  Effie turned to leave and bumped into a solid mass of sinew and muscle. Conall pinned her with his storm raging eyes. He took her face in his hands and said, “Thank ye, lass.”

  Immobilized, Effie stared up at him and for a moment time stood still; the dungeon melted away, the moaning sounds of prisoners were muted, and all that mattered was the two of them. Perhaps immortality wasn’t so bad after all, for he could spend eternity staring into her forest-green eyes.

  Effie broke their trance as she took a step back and grabbed a fiery torch. “We dinnae have much time. Follow me.”

  Walking briskly down the corridor, bypassing several prison folk, some wasting away into nothing while others paced their cells with vengeful steps, she rounded the corner to a dead-end wall. What looked to be a wall of sandstone turned into a secret door as soon as Effie placed the key into a hidden keyhole.

  The hideaway door was stone, and strong, making it hard to open. Effie shouldered it a few times and it wouldn’t budge. “Damn door! Open!” Effie cursed through clenched teeth.

  “Here, let me try.” Effie stepped aside, giving Conall enough room to slide in. With one shove and enough power behind it to shatter the stone into dust, Conall opened the door. Even as weak as he was, it surprised him how much strength he had left in him.

  The torch now lit a secret passageway that snaked in multiple directions. Conall grabbed her arm believing she was leading him out of the castle. “Effie, what are you up to?”

  “This castle has a lot of secrets Conall, this one happens to be mine.” Effie smirked.

  About fifty paces down the main passageway, past three branching corridors a ladder came into view. Once up the ladder, another shorter corridor, then another door. This door lead to a secret room where Effie could escape Tavish’s reach. She knew the room all too well. Over the years, she spent countless hours here pondering her escape. Many times her daydreams would include a brave Highlander coming to her rescue. Effie smiled as she realized her secret room was now helping her rescue her brave Highlander.

  Conall shut the door behind them as Effie lit a fire in the hearth. The room was quaint, yet warm and inviting. With a fire now burning, the room was given a soft glow. Positioned in front of the flames was a wooden tub, large enough for a Dragonkine Highlander. Effie had already started heating water for a bath. To his uttermost satisfaction, a four-poster bed, billowing with pillows and furs sat to the left of the room. His cock hardened as he thought about Effie, naked, and lying on that bed waiting for him.

  Suddenly an apple was shoved at his chest. “Eat this, while I fetch a chair.” Effie gave him an I-know-what-you’re-thinking smile.


  Shortly Effie returned and placed the chair next to the tub. With the seductive vibe Conall was throwing her she would be lucky to wrap his wounds in time before he had her underneath him. Which wasn’t a bad idea at all; in fact she yearned to touch him, to feel his weight on top of her, exploring his tight muscled body. That was also the best way to speed up the healing process, stir the dragon.

  Testing the warmness of the water, she brought her hand up from the tub, flicking it at Conall and peppering him in water droplets. “Clothes off.” She nodded to the tub.

  Conall stalked to it, removing his tunic along the way. “As ye wish,” he winked, “though in my weakened state, I will need some assistance removing me plaid. The pin is quite tricky.”

  Effie rolled her eyes. As she approached him she could feel the warmth radiating from his body causing her skin to sweat. Effie didn’t dare look him in the eye as she focused on the material wrapped around his waist, unfolding the plaid. As she finished, she hustled just out of his reach and took his dirty clothes to another wash bin to soak.

  Hisses of pain brought her attention back to Conall as he slowly submerged himself in the water. Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. She wished she could take his pain away. Effie hurried out of her dress, not wanting to get it wet, but left her shift on. After she’d pinned her hair up, she grabbed some soap and sat down in the chair next to the tub.

  Taking a small cup, she dipped it into the water and lazily wet his hair then took the soap and lathered it in her hands. Threading her fingers through his dark brown hair, she noticed it had grown some since the last time she had seen him; it now curled just below his ears. Conall leaned his head back, almost reaching her lap, and closed his eyes, moaning as she gently massaged his head. It pleased her to know that she was easing his pain.

  When she was done with his hair her curiosity got the best of her. Never having seeing Conall with facial hair before, she wanted to touch it, and with the way he was positioned, now was the perfect opportunity. Effie slid her hands from his hair down to his cheeks until she reached his chin. The coarseness of the bristles sent a chill creeping up her spine and reminded her of a horse’s mane.

  “Ye like the beard, aye?” Conall asked.

  Effie glanced down at her lap and was pinned by his storm-gray eyes. Suddenly her mouth went dry. “’Tis different on ye,” she said, trying to hide her arousal. “Sit up. I need to wash yer back.”

  Lathering up a white linen cloth, she rubbed it across his broad shoulders and up his neck, taking in the pure raw beauty of this man. She bit her lip as she stroked the strong veins pulsing through his arms to the delicate spot right below his ears; every inch of this man fascinated her. Fascinated her so much that she dropped the cloth right into his lap.

  “Och lass, looks like ye dropped something.” Conall looked down at the cloth. “I reckon ye’ll have to come in and get it.”

  Her stomach flopped like a fish out of water and her body tingled just thinking about the del
icious possibilities this man, her dragon, could bring her.

  “Well, I see ye give me no choice.” Effie stood slowly and seductively, so Conall could see every inch of her. The glow from the hearth illuminated her shift and left nothing to the imagination. “But the shift stays on,” she teased.

  “As ye wish.”

  Effie knew exactly what she was doing as she lowered herself into the tub inch by inch. Steam rolled off her body and sweat formed on her bottom lip and neck, causing wisps of hair to stick to it. As much as she wanted him, he needed to play nice until she could tend to his wounds especially the one right below his right rib. But there were so many wounds that weren’t healing and that worried her. “Conall?”

  “Hmmm,” he said

  “Me cloth.” Effie held out her hand and shot him a cross glare.

  With one fluid motion, Conall swept his arm around Effie’s waist and pulled her closer so she straddled him. Their chests were close, yet didn’t touch. “Yer cloth, mistress.”

  She snatched the rag, sending him one last glare as she started to wash his chest and clean one of his cuts.

  As she cleaned away the grime and blood, he kissed her forehead ever so gently and she decided right then and there she liked the beard. He continued his kisses down the side of her face and down to her slender neck. Of course he couldn’t make this easy on her, yet she craved his touch just as much as he craved hers.


  He hummed his reply, nuzzling her neck.

  “Why are ye no’ healing?” She pulled back to look at him. She needed to know why because if he was going to be battling for his life he needed to heal. And for the love of saints, why didn’t the man just shift and escape this hell?

  Conall raised his hands and showed her his blistered palms. “Someone has cast magic here so I wouldn’t escape. I grabbed the bars the day ye first came to see me and this is what happened.”

  Shock spread across her face as she took his hands in hers, examining them.

  “And I can no’ shift either. ’Tis like he’s trapped inside me, weak and furious. From the moment we arrived, I felt something was amiss here.” Conall blew out a breath in frustration.

  Effie shook her head and replied, “How would Tavish know that ye’re Dragonkine? And he doesn’t know magic. At least not that I know of.”

  “Tavish is up to something but I dinnae know what.” Conall shrugged his shoulders.

  Carefully continuing to clean the stab wound, Effie wondered the same thing; just what was her brother up to? Throughout her whole life she had known him to be a self-centered, egotistical, manipulating bastard. Power and greed pumped through his veins with a force that drove him to do unspeakable deeds. Whoring his own sister out topped his list, and though she had never witnessed it, she wouldn’t think murder below his standards.

  “I know.” Effie looked up to meet Conall’s intrigued expression. “He’s now chief of clan Maxwell. He accused ye and clan Douglas of the attack on the north tower.”

  “Effie, the tower was in ruins when me and me men arrived. I didnae set siege to it. I came here on business, not to destroy yer home. I was as shocked as ye when ye came to see me in the dungeon. I never knew that ye’re a Maxwell of Dumfries. Ye do believe me?”

  Effie nodded her head. “Aye. I found it hard to believe that laird James would attack me clan.”

  Conall rubbed his hands up and down her arms, comforting her. “I be sorry for yer loss. I wish I’d been here sooner. Maybe I could have saved him.”

  Effie smiled and took his head in her hands. It was just like Conall to believe he could fix everything in her life, to save her from the evils of their world. But the fact remained, some things in life were unfair no matter how hard you tried to fight it. Pressing all those thoughts of what was heading their way into a tiny ball, she mentally threw it away as if nothing mattered but the here and now.

  She kissed him deeply, taking him in and savoring every moment, for she knew that her life’s purpose was about to change.



  If there was one thing Conall Hamilton was sure of, it was that he was madly, truly in love with this woman in his arms. Her soft touches left his body wanting more, needing more. And her skin was like a fine wine, smooth on the lips and felt like silk going down, leaving behind an erotic taste for more indulgence.

  Looking into her eyes, the green tones reminded him of the Highland countryside touched by spring. If he looked closely enough he could see a secluded home with gray smoke billowing off into the sky, a few sheep dotting the green grassy land, and mayhap a wee bairn or two running amuck. Aye, when he looked into Effie’s eyes, he saw home.

  Even though the physical attraction was strong between them, he loved her feisty spirit. Hell, if he was completely honest, his love had grown stronger for her every day over the past five years, he’d just needed to let go of the past to see it.

  “What are ye thinking?” Effie asked.

  Conall reached into her hair, carefully pulling out the pins one by one, releasing it. Long red spirals fell to her shoulder and cascaded down her back. He longed to feel the softness of those curls wrapped around his hands. “I be thinking aboot making love to me wife.”

  Effie peered down into the water, disheartened. “Conall, I need to tell ye---”

  “It can wait.” Conall lifted her chin with his finger and whispered. “We dinnae have much time.” He kissed her softly on the lips.

  Conall could sense something was bothering her but soon he would make her forget about her worries. They would cross that bridge soon enough but not tonight.

  Slowly, he began to remove the green ribbon from around her neck. Effie tried to stop him, but it was too late; the ribbon was off.

  Conall jerked in surprise when he saw the bruised handprint around her neck which immediately flared his temper. “Who did this to ye? And tell me the truth,” he demanded.

  “Me tongue got the best of me and Tavish got upset. I should know better than to provoke him.” Effie timidly fidgeted with the ribbon, twirling it around her fingers, waiting for Conall’s backlash.

  Conall brought her eyes back to him and said, “It shouldn’t matter what ye say, lass. No man should ever raise his hand to a woman. He will pay for this.” Conall gently smoothed his hand over the bruises.

  “Please Conall, dinnae let this ruin our night,” Effie begged as she sat in front of him sliding her hands down the peaks and valleys of his chest then lower to his abdomen, until she reached his manhood. Ever so lightly she ran her hands down his full length and back up to the top.

  Conall growled and leaned back, allowing her to assault his body with long soft tantalizing strokes. Her touch was like magic to his skin as she caressed his chest all the way up to his neck then back down again until she had her hands wrapped around his cock. God’s blood, she felt like heaven.

  His dragon inside awoke, feeling the urge to claim her. The beast grew stronger and more determined to shift. The magic inside the dungeon had been strong, yet here they appeared to be beyond the magic’s reach.

  Effie leaned forward, kissing his neck as she quickened her strokes. The sensation of her wet shift pressed hard against his body left him feeling every delectable curve. As the heat of passion grew to fever pitch, Conall wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing her closer while his other hand grabbed her breast and squeezed, thumbing over her nipple. Effie sighed sweetly into his neck.

  As her tempo increased, Conall could feel his release coming quick. He didn’t want it to end but she felt too damn good to hold back. Her hands on his skin were like nothing he had ever felt before. She calmed his dragon but at the same time brought out the beast in him.

  All it took was one last stroke to send him over the edge crashing into the waves of bliss. Conall plunged his hand through Effie’s hair, threw his head back, and gave in to his release. Hell fire! Stars exploded behind his eyes and his body tingled all over.
r />   After the last ripples of his orgasm had settled, he stood, taking Effie with him. He bent down, scooping her up into his arms. Shockwaves of pure raw desire racked his body as the current running through his veins drove him to claim. “I need to get ye oot of that shift and into that bed.” He nodded toward the bed.

  Effie threw her arms around his neck and giggled. “Shouldn’t we wrap yer wounds?”

  Conall stepped out of the tub and placed her on her feet. “Make it fast. Ye have to the count of three and I’m already on two.”

  Quickly Effie ran over to the trunk at the foot of the bed and opened it. Tossing her dresses aside, she finally found a shift. As she walked back to Conall, she ripped the material into strips. She grabbed a nearby drying cloth and began to pat the wounded area dry before she wrapped the wounds. When she had barely finished, Conall bent his head down and whispered in her ear, “Three.”

  He growled and captured her lips with force as they stood soaking wet, dripping puddles on the floor. He grabbed the front of her shift and ripped it down the middle, letting it fall where it may.

  Stepping back, he feasted his eyes on the most exquisite buxom beauty he had ever seen. The soft glow of the fire cast a golden hue over her curvaceous frame that glistened with water droplets. Waves of damp red hair flowed over her shoulders, covering her breasts and sticking to her body. Conall brushed away her hair from her chest. A beautifully shaped bosom with pink peaked nipples begged for his touch. He followed a water droplet intently as it ran down her neck to the valley betwixt her breasts and continued to slide toward her stomach. Aye, this woman was made for him and raised all his senses to a higher level.

  Effie grinned at him as she met his eyes, and that was his undoing. He picked her up so that her legs wrapped around his waist. Instantly he kissed her forcefully and with a few quick strides he brought them over to that four poster bed that had been tempting him from the moment he entered the chamber.